

Brazilian mining today is the result of a more than natural evolution of the extractive and rudimentary activity of the colonial period.

When it became an industry, a business activity therefore, it required from its managers the commitment to the sustainability of its operations, in order to reflect positively on the sustainability of the country and the planet.

This is the path that the modern Brazilian mining industry has followed with greater emphasis in the recent decades – all dully documented and transparently exposed to society, according to the world´s best corporate governance practices.


Mining has become increasingly known as an industry of great technological innovations.

Today, the production processes are more sustainable, with better productivity rates, and better relations with the surrounding communities.

Learn more about the advantages that new processes in the mining sector can bring to the industry, society, and the environment.

to society

Minerals have many uses and are part of everyone´s day to day life. They are present in the production of airplanes, automobiles, cans, computers, televisions, telephones, tablets, GPS and are also in civil construction, being essential to guarantee the construction of houses, buildings, and roads.

Understand the importance of mining and its commitment to society as a whole.