Mining in Brazil
For years on end, a group of historical miners, important figures in the national mineral production, invested financial, human, and intangible resources to explore Brazil and pave the way for one of the most powerful productive sectors in the country, capable of making an effective contribution to the improvement of the nation´s socioeconomic indicators.
Brazilian mining today is the result of a more than natural evolution of the extractive and rudimentary activity of the colonial period. When it became an industry, a business activity therefore, it required from its managers the commitment to the sustainability of its operations, in order to reflect positively on the sustainability of the country and the planet.
This is the path that the modern Brazilian mining industry has followed with greater emphasis in recent decades – all dully documented and transparently exposed to society, according to the world´s best corporate governance practices.
There is still a certain lack of understanding by segments of society in Brazil about the important role of mining in the destiny of this same society. The reasons are varied, however, identifiable, and converge on aspects such as misinformation about the reality of the sector, its positive contributions to the comfort of modern life, to the economy, by the productive articulation with the industrial chains and agribusiness, among many other factors.
The fact is that without the availability of minerals, any country tends to stagnate and life automatically becomes much more expensive and difficult to its inhabitants.

The expectation is that Brazil gets to know its mining industry and begins to support it and feel proud of being a mining country by nature and also by excellence, due to the high qualification of the professionals who work in all stages of the mining process in micro, small, medium and large companies.
Other nations, such as Australia and Canada, have made progress in this approximation with their societies, even though they also face occasional conflict problems, which is characteristic of almost all known productive activities. After all, everything that is produced cause some impact.
The minimization of such external reflexes with minimal interference in the environment and in people’s lives should always be sought, incessantly aiming for harmony between production, nature and life in society.
The purpose of this Mining Portal is to help develop and bring this knowledge closer to people. Learn more about mining in the following pages.